5 things to know about Googling your symptoms

ehealth, e-health, is it safe to google health questions, health questions on internet,

We’re all guilty of consulting Google for our symptoms when we are sick. But could the information we find on the internet actually be bad for us? Dr Nicola Davies looks at the rise in popularity of e-health in Ireland. It’s 5am in the morning and your eight-month-old is screaming. 20 years ago, you might…

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3 things to know about hypnobirthing

newborn, baby, medical research umbilical cord, cutting of umbilical cord

Hypnobirthing enthusiasts believe that labour needn’t involve agony and complications. Instead they believe that it can actually be a pleasurable experience. PHOEBE DOYLE asks if hypnobirthing really can take the fear out of childbirth. What is hypnobirthing? Hannah Hatherell had a terrible and lengthy first labour. “The experience left me feeling as though I had…

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Are mothers more likely to breastfeed if they’re paid?

A study in the UK now shows that mothers are more likely to breastfeed, and continue to breastfeed their baby when on a payment scheme. The scheme offered 10,000 new mothers £120 worth of shopping vouchers if babies received breast milk – either expressed or by breastfeeding – at two days, ten days and six…

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6 weird things that parents do in public

Being a parent is an immersive job – you find yourself repeating the lingo and going through the motions even when you’re off duty. Here are some of the weirdest things we’ve done in public that our pre-baby selves would never dream of doing! The bum sniff Sniffing your baby’s bum to decipher if they…

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