4 tips to remember when buying your toddler shoes

You may think that once your toddler is running around, they don’t need to be fitted for proper shoes anymore. But toddler-feet are still developing at a rapid rate and need to…

home births
What to expect from a home birth

  Home births are continuously increasing in popularity. Celebrities like Thandie Newton decided on a home birth for her three children and said “I just associated hospital with being ill. And I…

kids going back to school
9 ways to deal with separation anxiety

You’ve probably put a lot of thought and effort into helping your child adjust to school for the first time. And maybe you’ve been looking forward to your new freedom. But if…

baby, protecting baby in sun
At what age can babies understand speech?

Since babies don’t begin talking until they’re at least 12 months old, it’s safe to assume that they can’t understand speech until that time. Right? Wrong. This study has shown that babies…