How to keep your baby warm on cold nights

Brrr… It’s getting cold out there. It feels that suddenly, winter is upon us and the smell of home fires is in the air! If you welcomed a new bundle of joy over the last six months, you might be worrying whether your baby is warm enough during the night, especially if you have recently…

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5 reasons to get a dog

Dogs really are man’s best friend and cats are the bee’s knees. But when you have kids, you have more than enough on your plate without adding the sound of an extra four feet pattering on the floor. But could having a pet really have an influence on your kid’s happiness and wellbeing? And what…

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Here is the best number of toys for your child

The most wonderful time of the year can get overwhelming for parents present shopping. The top toys of the year can seem out of reach and some parents will compromise by buying a lot of little gifts instead of one or two big gifts. But what does this do to your child? In a recent…

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10 ways to feel joy in January

It often feels as though Christmas is the party we’ve been waiting on all year and January is the expected hangover. But who said it has to be? Say goodbye to the blues and embrace the little joys that this underrated month has to offer. Reflect on progress A new job? A family wedding? A…

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Real mums tell us how they survived the first 3 months

newborn, the first three months with baby, newborn baby, advice on baby from other mums, how to survive the first three months with baby, bringing baby home

Yes, they’re tough. Yes, you’ll go slightly insane with the lack of sleep. Yes, it will feel like they’ll never end. But guess what? This too shall pass. Here’s how some of our readers survived the first three months of motherhood… Eliza, mum of two “I learnt a lot from my first baby, but most…

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