Baby names for our daughters inspired by amazing women

baby essential, make mums life easier

Amelia Earhart The first woman to fly a plane solo across the Atlantic is no small act to follow, and although it was an impressive physical feat, what she did for feminism is even more impressive. “Women must try to do things as men have tried. When they fail their failure must be but a…

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Never ask your child ‘How was your day?’

She wants to ask her daughter about her dy

‘How was your day?’ An innocent enough question. Traditionally followed by ‘fine’ or ‘OK’, before the conversation branches off into other avenues. You know that if you want to get a better answer, you’re going to have to ask a better question. And if you want to know the ins and outs of your child’s…

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The 10 strangest reasons why children won’t go to bed

child refusing to go bed, reasons why kids refuse to go bed, my child won't go to sleep,

As parents, we’ve heard all the excuses in the book for our children not wanting to go to bed but some are a little more imaginative than others. Online retailer Time4Sleep has conducted a poll to find out the most common reasons little ones do their very best stall the inevitable; bedtime! From the top five…

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5 tactics to stimulate your baby’s senses

stimulating my baby's senses, baby's senses, Nurturing Newbies,

Mums and occupational therapists Lynsey Sharp and Kathryn Horgan have developed a programme, Nurturing Newbies, to help parents develop their baby’s senses. Here they outline some simple ways you can help your baby’s senses develop. Nurturing Newbies As occupational therapists with over 15 years’ experience working with children, Lynsey Sharp and Kathryn Horgan commonly received referrals…

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Safety & First Aid tips for parents with young children

kids safety, paediatric first aid, children's first aid, child safety, baby bleeding, toddler bleeding, infant burns, child burns, child choking, infant choking, baby choking

With all that curiosity and energy, babies and children are naturally prone to accidents. All parents should consider attending a simple first aid course to learn the basic skills needed to react calmly and efficiently to different situations. We’ve gone through some of the key things parents need to be aware of to keep their…

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