6 kids who don’t care for any of your rules Kids – sometimes they just don’t care about you, or your rules. The YOLO generation 1) The big dreamer. 2). The class who wanted to give this emu a really, really unique name. “Spazzie McGee” … lovely. 3). Taking the spotty look to the next level.…
6 kids who don’t care for any of your rules

Why being a moody bitch is a good thing according to Dr Julie Holland

Julie Holland’s new book, ‘Moody Bitches: The Truth About the Drugs You’re Taking, the Sleep You’re Missing, the Sex You’re Not Having, and What’s Really Making You Crazy,’ looks at the impact of female hormones and argues that moodiness is actually good for us. Set to be a Spring best-seller, read why Dr Julie Holland,…
Gwyneth Paltrow shares her tips for a pain free pregnancy

Gwyneth Paltrow shares her tips for a pain free pregnancy Gwyneth Paltrow is known for sharing her interest in body fads and quirky treatments, but her new one for “pain-free pregnancy” isn’t exactly one we completely believe. But let’s see what she had to say. Don’t massage your lower back “A common complaint among pregnant…
Kate Middleton has baby proofed her make up regime

Kate Middleton has baby proofed her make up regime Kate Middleton is already seven months along in her pregnancy the Duchess of Cambridge is being careful keep the baby healthy, so has changed up her make up and beauty regime. Find out what products she is a big fan of! The products Kate is known to indulge…
Decline in the number of stay at home mothers

Data released in the UK today has found there is a definite decline in the number of stay at home mothers with just one in ten a full-time mum. The study found the number of stay-at-home mothers dropped by a third in 20 years to a record low. It also reports just over one man in…
10 parenting hacks you need in your life

10 all inspiring parenting hacks from parents who have it sussed, we saw this on buzzfeed and had to share with you. These parents have this whole parenting malarky sorted. Stand-by for some inspiring ideas and above all, a giggle! 1) This is genius…. We’re literally kicking ourselves for not thinking of this first. 2)…
Mum inspirational stories of the week

Mum inspirational stories of the week… Mum of four Natasha shared her story of finding her 11-week-old baby daughter Ava-Mai blue and as ‘floppy as a rag doll’ after she had put her down for a nap. Ava-Mai’s eyes had rolled to the back of her head and she was completely unresponsive. Quick-thinking mum Natasha…