Household chores are an important part of growing up. They teach children many important life-lessons; responsibility, team-work, and the importance of being helpful and needed in the family unit. Household jobs also teach children independence, especially when it comes to taking care of their own affairs like tidying their room, making their lunch, or taking care of a pet.
Here’s a guide to what children are capable of doing from the age of two. We think that the earlier you start, the less tantrums you will incur later in life! How early did your kids start pitching in around the house?
Chores for children aged two to three:
- Put toys away
- Put clothes in basket
- Wipe up spills
- Dust
- Pile books and magazines
Jobs for children ages four to five
Any of the above, plus:
- Make their bed
- Empty wastebaskets
- Clear table
- Pull weeds
- Sweep up crumbs
- Water plants
- Unload dishwasher
- Wash plastic dishes at sink
- Fix bowl of cereal
Tasks for children ages six to seven
Any of the above, plus:
- Sort laundry
- Set and clear table
- Help make and pack lunch
- Weed and rake leaves
- Keep bedroom tidy
maternity & infant
Originally posted 2018-02-26 12:40:41.