6 celebrities due in 2018

It’s a baby boom for our favourite celebs; some with beauitful newborns joining their families and many more expecting arrivals in early 2018! Recently, it seems that there is no other way to announce your baby’s arrival or conception other than on social media. And we know why: it’s simple (minimal work for you), and…

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Hidden dangers in the home

Little boy at home with dangerous wires

  We all like to think of our home as a safe haven for our little ones. Even so, at times we can become so focused on protecting our children from the dangers of the outside world that we forget, the home has the potential be the most hazardous place of all. According to the…

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Think your child is hard of hearing?

Children learn to communicate by imitating the sounds they hear. When your child is a baby, being hard of hearing will cause them to miss much of the speech and language going on around them. This can result in delayed speech and language development, social problems and academic difficulties. A common condition About four out…

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Tips for Dad While Mum is in Labour

Dad with newborn baby after labour

While in the past the paternal figure was banished to the hospital hallways, they are now, thankfully, asserting their right to be present for the birth of their child. Yet, this unknown territory can be uncertain ground for a new dad who wants to be a help, rather than a hindrance. That’s why we’ve compiled…

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Signs your child is being bullied (or is a bully)

child being bullied by a school bully

No parent wants to imagine that their child is being bullied or even worse, that their child IS a bully. Yet, among adolescents and children, the phenomenon of bullying is widespread across the nation. The effects of bullying are undeniably harmful, typically leading to long-term repercussions that last well into adulthood. However, learning how to recognise…

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4 ways to change up the school drop off

Does the school drop off fill you with dread? Want to change it up this year to include some variety in your mornings? At maternity & infant, we hear you and for Irish Heart Month, we’re trying to introduce as many healthy changes in our daily lives as possible. One area where we can improve…

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