On average kids spend around six hours a day looking at screens. Preach. And we know, same as you how, hard it can be to muster the energy to get our kids off the iPad and out the front door. Even harder for parents after a day of school runs, homework and laundry (when will the…
12 ways to get your kids back outside!
8 ways to make your child more independent
We all know the feeling, when the clock seems to speed up just as your child chooses to slow down. From getting out of bed, to getting dressed, to eating their breakfast, it all seems to be taking double the amount of time it usually takes. Sometimes it’s easier to just shove porridge into their…
Baby food – home made or ready made?
If your small baby is starting to grumble after feeding, or imitating your mouth when you’re surreptitiously downing some porridge before your morning walk, then they might be getting ready for some solid food. The Food Safety Authority says to wean babies as close to six months as possible, and no sooner than 16 weeks.…
How to make a sensory room at home
Sensory rooms can be hugely beneficial to your child’s development, but many families may think that they don’t have the budget or space to create one in their own homes. However, if space is tight in your home don’t worry because a corner in their play room or bedroom fitted with some clever furnishings will…
Sliming it: the benefits of messy play
Originally posted 2017-01-24 10:18:18.
How a feelings chart can help toddler tantrums
When your child starts in preschool, it’s not unreasonable to hope that those toddler tantrums will soon be a thing of the past. Preschool is less about learning to read and write and more about learning practical life skills that will enable them to become independent and self-reliant. Things like doing our own zippers, shoes…
Why you really should sleep when the baby sleeps
If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a million times and that’s before your baby even arrives. Just sleep when the baby sleeps! Of course, why didn’t I think of that? Oh wait, I did. How many parents actually follow that advice? Aren’t there are far more pressing things to worry about when the…