Well, we’ve skipped Spring and Summer is here. It’s warm out there even at night. But sweltering nights and sweaty blankets are no fun for little babies trying to get to sleep. While you can get up, strip off and keep a fan on you to cool down, babies can’t manage their temperature quite so…
Tips for keeping baby cool while sleeping in warm weather

Why we should be happy our kids are off for the summer!

With summer looming ahead for parents (both the staying at home kind and otherwise) it can feel daunting having to provide your children with stimulation for the three long months. But it’s not such a bad thing having your kids off and underfoot all the time – and though you may have places to be,…
10 tips to tackle potty training

When it comes to potty training it can be hard to know when to begin and how to start the process. Once you recognise that your child is ready for this next step, there can be a variety of ways you can encourage successful potty training. Potty introduction Introduce the potty to the household before…
Everything you need to know about VBAC

The old adage goes…once a C-section, always a C-section. Yet, is another C-section always the only option? Not necessarily! Many doctors are now suggesting that mothers who have undergone a C-section during a prior pregnancy opt for VBAC during later pregnancies. VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Caesarean) is when a woman gives birth vaginally after having…
10 reasons why dads are the best

Happy Father’s Day to all the dads in our lives! We may be parents ourselves now, but that doesn’t mean we’ve forgotten how brilliant our own dads were when we were little – and it’s why we appreciate all the dads in our lives, young and old. Here are just a few reasons why dad…
10 things you need to know about baby led weaning

Baby led weaning means letting your child feed themselves from the moment they start on solids. Most babies will start to reach for food around six months, which is the time when the World Health Organisation recommend your babies are weaned onto solid foods. Remember that every baby is different; some parents choose to start…
6 of our favourite car games to keep our kids occupied on long journeys

We all know that stage on the way to Kerry, Donegal or Dundrum when the kids give up on looking out the window or waxing lyrical about the promises of summer…and they begin to gripe. Just a little. It’s no fun, parents, and we feel you. And when you can’t hear the Google maps lady over (what…