The most exciting time with a baby is watching them reach all of their developmental milestones. Such proud moments but there’s something about seeing them take their first steps that’s so special. The build up to that moment is so exciting and then getting to see them take off is more than worth the wait.…
11 ways to encourage your baby to walk

10 ways to save on food costs

Saving on food costs can be hard especially with a family to feed. The first tip and probably the most important but we all sometimes neglect is, make a list! And stick to it! It is so easy to get blind-sided by special offers, discounts and new products that it can be hard to stick…
Real Mum product review: Nanogen hair supplements

Nanogen hair nutrition for new mums is a specially formulated
7 foods to avoid in pregnancy

Pregnancy can do all sorts of things to your appetite. It can put you right off foods you loved and you can find yourself indulging in foods you previously couldn’t stomach. But it is important to remember there are some foods you should avoid during pregnancy whether you are craving them or not. Cheese Mouldy…
4 tips to remember when buying your toddler shoes

You may think that once your toddler is running around, they don’t need to be fitted for proper shoes anymore. But toddler-feet are still developing at a rapid rate and need to be supported with the right shoes. Here are some tips to remember when buying your toddler shoes! Flexible sole Stay clear of shoes…
Which extra curricular activities are right for your child?

With your child now attending school, it might be the right time to start thinking about getting them involved in an extra curricular activity that they like. Sports, drama and music are common activities and all have their benefits, but it’s important to find one that your child really loves and feels confident in. This…
What to expect from a home birth

Home births are continuously increasing in popularity. Celebrities like Thandie Newton decided on a home birth for her three children and said “I just associated hospital with being ill. And I felt beautiful and healthy and wonderful when I was pregnant, and being at home was the place I felt most relaxed, and comfortable.”…