6 secrets dads want their sons to know about adulthood Staff over at Buzzfeed attended the Dad 2.0 Summit in San Francisco and captured 29 beautiful, funny and down-right practical secrets that Dad’s wanted their sons to know about adulthood. The full article is available here. We picked our six favourite from the bunch, but make…
6 secrets dads want their sons to know about adulthood

10 benefits starting your day with lemon water

Lemon water provides the body with electrolytes that hydrate your body. Lemons contain contain electrolytes such as potassium, calcium and magnesium. It helps digestion as lemon contains citric acid which interacts with other enzymes and acids and stimulate the secretion of gastric juice and digestion. The liver produces more enzymes from water with lemon…
Recipe: Irish apple crumble cake

Recipe: Irish apple crumble cake Ingredients: 4oz butter plus extra for greasing 5oz soft light brown sugar 2 large free range eggs 7oz plain flour, sifted 1 tablespoon baking powder pinch of salt 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 11oz peeled, cored and sliced cooking apple (Shouldn’t be more than one large one) For the crumble topping:…
Couples that marry before children more likely to stay together

Couples who choose to get married before they have children are reportedly 70 per cent more likely to stay together, a new study has claimed. The study found that couples who never married but had a family together were three times more likely to separate by the time their children were teenagers than those who…
m&i loves: Dribble Stop Tops

m&i loves: Dribble Stop Tops Move over bibs, because today marks the launch of Dribble Stop Tops – the first and already award winning innovation from Dribble Stop, a new brand committed to busting dribble dramas! Dribble Stop Tops have been cleverly designed to create the ultimate barrier between baby’s dribble and their sensitive skin.…
5 things you should never say to a stay-at-home parent

5 things you should never say to a stay-at-home parent Being a parent is a full time job, if you are a stay-at-home parent or a parent who goes out to work. You’re all deserving of praise, but sometimes stay-at-home parents are given the stereotype that they much have a calm and easy life. We’re…
Does too much praise turn children into narcissists?

Originally posted 2015-03-11 10:08:33.