15 of the worst things that can happen to parents

7 wonderful firsts of parenting, firsts of parenting, parenting firsts, things that happen to you when you become a new parent

15 of the worst things that can happen to parents They may seem insignificant to others, especially if they don’t have children, but these are the worst things that can happen to parents. Parenting nightmares 1). Your kid drops your smart phone. Please God, don’t let the screen be smashed. 2). You didn’t notice the…

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maternity & infant loves… Fota Island Resort

fota island, things to do with the family

maternity & infant loves… Fota Island Resort, complete with kids’ club for Easter & Summer Remember that time pre-kids, when you could hop into the car of a Friday and head off for a lovely weekend in a hotel somewhere down the country? Well, thanks to some savvy hotels, those days needn’t be a distant memory…

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Deliciously healthy desserts

recipes, baked pears, healthy desserts, special k

Indulge yourself this weekend with this deliciously healthy desserts that won’t leave an ounce of guilt on your lips. Low-fat baked pears with amaretti Prep time: 5 mins Cooking time: 20 Ingredients: 4 ripe pears 100g ricotta ½ tsp cinnamon 4 tbsp clear honey, plus extra to serve 8 crisp amaretti biscuits Directions: 1. Cut…

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Would you try this Ritmo pregnancy lifebelt?

pregnancy exercise

Would you try this Ritmo pregnancy lifebelt? A new wearable device that lets expectant mothers listen in on their developing baby’s heartbeat and movements continuously, rather than just when she goes into the hospital for a scan, is soon to be released in Ireland. The device has a lightweight harness with sensor-laden straps that go…

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How this mum does pole dancing with her baby

ms. wrights blog, pole dancing and baby wearing

Mum’s are forever multi-tasking, but this mother takes multi-tasking to new heights. “What if I told you I can pole dance and babywear at the same dang time?!” Wright wrote on her blog. “Well I can!” On her blog, Ms. Wright’s Way, Wright calls herself a “badass breastfeeding, babywearing, attachment parenting, pole dancing, yogi mama.”…

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