m&i loves: smarTrike Explorer 5 in 1


m & i loves: smarTrike Explorer 5 in 1 Looking for a practical but fun way to get out and about with your little one? The smarTrike Explorer 5 in 1 is your answer. Stylish and practical, this trike offers a comfortable and fun way for you and your little one to travel and explore…

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Donal Skehan’s Irish Oaty Apple Crumble

recipes, apple crumble, donal skehan, oat recipes, healthy desserts

We love Donal Skehan and we love apple crumble so what could be better than Donal Skehan’s Irish Oaty Apple. This recipe can be used with other summer fruits too. Just make the oaty mix and add your preferred fruit. This is also a healthy snack that children will love making and eating. If you…

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The 7 wonderful ‘firsts’ of parenthood

7 wonderful firsts of parenting, firsts of parenting, parenting firsts, things that happen to you when you become a new parent

The 7 wonderful ‘firsts’ of parenthood Becoming a parent for the first time is a wonderful, exciting, exhilarating, scary and also exhausting thing. No matter what people tell you in advance about being a new mother or father, it never quite prepares you or does justice for the journey you are about to be brought…

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6 things mothers teach their daughters

alone, one family, solo, single mother, crisis pregnancy, unplanned pregnancy, single parenting, pregnancy support, birthing partner, pregnancy, pregnancy counselling, pregnancy services

6 things mothers teach their daughters As a little girl your mother is your first port of call for absolutely everything. She’s the person you run to for advice and comfort when your sibling is teasing you, when you feel sad, when you fall down and graze you knee, or when you just need a…

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8 ways to handle mummy stress

mummy stress

8 ways to  handle mummy stress Mummy stress is real. It’s a thing, and don’t let anyone ever tell you it’s not. It’s not set to one specific period of motherhood, it just changes as your kids grow up! Whether you’re worried about your baby’s sleeping patterns, your toddler’s tantrums, or your teenager’s whereabouts, mum stress…

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5 fun ideas for a cheap family night

5 fun ideas for a cheap family night: During the week, things can get hectic. Mums and dads are at work, minding the kids and organizing things, kids are at school or at crèche and people are generally running past each other barely getting the time to talk. That’s why we’re listing for you ways…

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Babies process pain the same as adults, study suggests

bang on the head, what to do if my baby bangs his head, bang on the head baby

Babies process  pain the same as adults, study suggests Researchers at Oxford University have studied baby’s brains in order to observe the effect that pain has on them. The researchers watched infants as young as a day old, and saw that their brains processed a light prodding in their feet, showing up their active response…

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