Study shows exercise during pregnancy reduces risks of gestational diabetes A new study has found that women who exercise throughout their pregnancy are less likely to develop gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes affects nearly one-fifth of pregnant women, but is most commonly developed by women classified as obese. Gestational diebetes is associated with an increased risk…
Study shows exercise during pregnancy reduces risks of gestational diabetes

Different weaning styles

New study looks at parents’ preferences in different weaning styles Weaning styles and preferences are different for every family. Some parents prefer the tried and tested spoon fed weaning, while others opt for the baby led style, which sees the baby handle food and feed themselves. Vital Baby commissioned a survey highlighting the changing trends in weaning, and…
8 ways to improve your toddler’s sleeping habits

Lot’s of children go through ups and downs with their sleep schedule. At times this can be more taxing for parents than it is for them! Here are some sure ways of getting your toddlers sleep schedule back into whack. Routine It may sound like the first port of call and the most obvious thing…
10 signs your mum is superwoman

10 signs your mum is superwoman This week at maternity & infant we are celebrating all the fantastic mums out there, and want to recognise them in our #nukmumoftheyear award at the 2015 maternity & infant awards. We’ve decided to take a look at all the reasons why mums really are the superwomen we know them…
Study shows the effects of ‘baby talk’ on babies’ speech development

Study shows the effects of ‘baby talk’ on babies’ speech development A new study, published in the journal Developmental Science, has found that babies respond better to the sound of other babies’ talk, rather than the baby talk of a parent or adult. Researchers at McGill University in Canada found that babies were more attracted…
7 struggles all working mums know

Originally posted 2015-05-18 14:23:13.
5 ways to prepare your relationship for a baby

5 ways to prepare your relationship for a baby Becoming new parents can be one of the most exciting times in your life, knowing that you are soon to share a child with your partner and experience what it is to be a parent can bring the warmest and fuzziest of feelings to both of you.…