8 tips for introducing your dog to baby

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8 tips for introducing your dog to baby Expecting a little bundle of joy soon and also a dog owner? You may be a little apprehensive about introducing your pet to your new baby, as they may be confused, but don’t worry, we have some tips to help prepare your dog for baby’s arrival, making sure everything is…

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8 Signs you could be ready for baby number two

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If we were all millionaires, didn’t have to work, or could afford childcare, having lots of children we’re sure would be at the forefront of many couples agendas. But now there is a whole lot to take into account before adding to your family, however, sometimes there is no time like the present. Here are…

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10 Hilariously awkward parenting moments

parenting memes, embarrassing parenting moments, parenting

Toddlers never fail when it comes to embarrassing the life out of their parents and if you can’t relate to these hilarious parenting moments as told by parents themselves you will most definitely laugh out loud. Our advice? Don’t have any tea in your mouth because you may end up spitting it out! These stories…

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7 hot weather beauty fixes

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7 hot weather beauty fixes The weather is heating up, and while we’re not complaining about the sunshine, sometimes the heat can leave us feeling muggy, too warm and downright uncomfortable. Stuffy, humid weather abroad or at home can play havoc with your skin and hair as well as other things, so check out these quick…

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Do I really need a maternity bra? Everything you need to know.

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Do I really need a maternity bra? Everything you need to know. Many women report that they “knew” they were pregnant because their breasts felt heavy and more sensitive than usual. At around six weeks’ pregnant, you might notice them becoming bigger, as your breasts prepare to produce milk to feed your baby. If you’re…

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Children who lie make better thinkers?

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Children who lie make better thinkers? Does your child tend to come up with a few porkies now and again? Well it appears you have nothing to worry about as a study carried out by psychologists at the University of Sheffield  has found that children who have a tendency to lie could benefit from a better memory.…

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