8 indoor activities to keep kids occupied on a rainy day When an unexpected rainy day hits it can be hard to keep little minds occupied. That’s why we’ve outlined some of the easiest (and most fun) activities you can share with your little one while you weather the ongoing storm. 1. Teach them to…
8 indoor activities to keep kids occupied on a rainy day

8 things you thought were crazy before you had kids

8 things you thought were crazy before you had kids 1. Sniffing nappies. Now you catch yourself in the mirror as you do it, and nothing seems weird. 2. Picking noses. It just has to be done. 3. Carrying a mini supermarket around with you. Nothing is worse than being stuck somewhere with hungry kids.…
The 9 rules of maternity style

The 9 rules of maternity style 1. Layer, layer, layer! Cardis, jackets and wraps are essentials for changeable weather, and they don’t need to be maternity wear. 2. Accessorize in style Keep your outfit simple but personalise it with a bright bag, a hat or nice shoes. 3. Invest in good maternity jeans or trousers…
11 things we wish we’d known about giving birth

11 things we wish we’d known about giving birth We asked some mums for the one piece of advice they wish they were given before giving birth. Mums-to-be: cut out this page and put it in your hospital bag NOW! 1. “Don’t expect things to go a particular way. Try to keep as open a mind…
10 things that happen to every parent on a school morning

10 things that happen to every parent on a school morning Ah, the morning mania! It’ll soon be that time of year when the early starts begin again for school, and we’re not looking forward to the chaos! Here’s a guaranteed 10 things that happen in every household on a school morning. 1. At least one child will have…
12 signs you’re a mum with young kids

12 signs you’re a mum with young kids Being a mum is the hardest job there is, and while we adore the job you can’t deny that these 12 signs are too true when it comes to being a mum! 1. Your email inbox comprises mostly of ‘Headlice in School’ warnings. 2. You haven’t been able to sit…
10 Sex myths debunked

Helen Fisher, chief science adviser for Match.com and an anthropologist who specialises in love, conducted a comprehensive study of singles’ attitudes toward dating and sex that surveys over 5,000 Americans representative of the American population, they are not members of match.com We think you will be surprised by the findings, we certainly were. Sex myth: Singles judge…