12 thoughts all parents have during dinnertime with a toddler Dinner time is usually an occasion that brings to mind thoughts of finally sitting down after a long, hard day and enjoying some lovely hot food with a relaxing glass of vino to go with it. That is if you’re not a parent of a…
12 thoughts all parents have during dinnertime with a toddler

10 baby myths all parents should know

10 baby myths all parents should know 1. Babies’ need sophisticated toys for brain development Although a stimulating environment is key for helping baby’s brain develop, sophisticated toys are not actually necessary. 2. Holding books close to baby’s eyes will damage their vision Holding books close to baby’s eyes won’t damage their eyes, however if…
The low-down on childcare prices in Ireland

The low-down on childcare prices in Ireland Nanny A nanny is someone who looks after your children in your home, and therefore is your employee so you are responsible for paying all taxes and social contributions that are relevant. A full-time nanny will generally work from between 8am-6pm, Monday to Friday, with any extra babysittng…
How to trick your toddler into taking medicine

Getting your toddler to take medicine can be just as traumatising for parents as it is for children. But when our kids are sick the most important thing is getting them to take their medicine in order for them to get better and be back to their old-selves. It’s heartbreaking seeing them sick – so…
Sex not a major key to a good relationship, study reveals

Sex not a major key to a good relationship, study reveals A report carried out by The Way We Are Now, the UK’s largest provider of relationship support, and published by Relationships Scotland, Relate and Marriage Care, has revealed that sex isn’t as much a priority for people in relationships as it would seem. The study surveyed…
10 Things We Are Guilty Of Doing Before Daddy Gets Home From Work

Being at home all day with the kids is lets just say, ‘challenging’. Some days are better than others but most are spent trying to restore calm and prevent serious accidents but we don’t want daddy to know that now do we? 10 things we are guilty of doing before daddy gets home from work…
10 things all women go through in the final moments of pregnancy

10 things all women know about giving birth Following up after the success of our 12 things that happen after childbirth post, we decided to bring you the all too familiar 10 things that all women experience when they are about to give birth to their little baby. We’re all in the same boat! 1.…