Buzzfeed reader’s have shared their top tips for getting your kids to sleep and there are some really great gems in there, we had to share! 1. Create a bedtime check list. “We worked together as a family to create a check list of things to do before going to bed. We included our son’s go-to…
6 tricks for getting your kids to sleep from other parents

7 struggles of having to be the ‘bad cop’ parent

7 struggles of having to be the ‘bad cop’ parent Sometimes, being the ‘bad cop parent’ or saying no to our kids to keep them safe or ensure that they are healthy and well just has to be said and done, and although both parents should equally share the role, sometimes it can be left…
5 family friendly dogs

Family dogs are more than just pets – they become part of the family! And although your daughter might want a pocket size puppy and your son might want an old English sheepdog and your partner might want a Labrador retriever, stay strong! You should choose a breed by its personality, temperament, size, and energy…
8 things you said about kids…before you had them

8 things you said about kids…before you had them We’ve all heard them, the countless tips and words of advice from those who don’t have kids about raising them! We’ve said these all ourselves before we had the little ones as well though, and now we just smirk when we hear people say them! 1.…
8 lies we actually believed

Kids are hard work. That’s why from time to time we need to tell a white lie to make life that little bit easier. And then there’s the lies we like to tell for our own enjoyment, cruel but at the time, hilarious! I used to tell my daughter if she waved at the green…
5 secrets to raising good kids, according to Harvard

The 5 secrets to raising good kids, according to Harvard According to researchers at Harvard University, love and guidance are the secrets to raising caring kids, and adults need to help their children learn empathy, caring and compassion early on. The school revealed that children who care about others are happier generally, so here are their…
10 things that don’t bother you since becoming a parent

10 things that don’t bother you anymore since becoming a parent Ah, parenthood! With all it’s joys and amazing moments there comes an acceptance of all the things you used to be so picky about before you had kids, now, it’s anything goes! 1. Sharing your food. Or ever eating dinner alone in peace! 2. Children’s TV show characters.…