Supermarket sweep I’m JENNIE, and in my blog (shortlisted for the Blog Awards Ireland 2015) I take a light-hearted look at the world of motherhood. In this post I laugh about the stress of supermarket shopping with a toddler in tow… I used to view the weekly shop as a boring chore, but since…
Blog we log: Jennie from

Paediatrician shows exactly how to calm a crying baby

Paediatrician shows exactly how to calm a crying baby Has parenting just gotten easier?! Dr. Robert Hamilton, a paediatrician based in Santa Monica, California has come up with an amazing way to calm crying babies. In his YouTube video, the doctor, who has 30 years of experience with children, shows how exactly to hold a crying…
9 Essential Items For Your Baby’s Memory Box

You may be up to your eyes in nappies, colic, spew and no sleep at the moment, but sooner than you think the day will creep up on you when baby is no longer a little tiny person in your arms. We suggest you keep these 9 baby items forever, so when the time comes…
Funny ways toddlers say ‘I love you’

Funny ways toddlers say ‘I love you’ Toddlers, as much as they can be little bundles of whirlwind temper tantrums, can be the cutest little things you’ve ever seen when they express their love to you in babbling ways. We saw these adorable and hilarious ways parents’ toddlers have told them they love them on…
15 signs you’ve found your life partner

15 signs you’ve found your life partner Knowing your partner is ‘the one’ you’ll spend your life with takes more than just a feeling, it’s all the little things they do for you, a foundation of trust and knowing you can rely on them, whatever the weather. It’s not an easy call to make, but when you’ve found someone who has…
7 things new parents feel when leaving baby for the first time

Being a first time parent is a lot to contend with sleepless nights, nappy changes, feeding and getting to know this teeny tiny person who is now calling the shots! But after a few weeks, you’ll soon begin to find your feet and soon enough the time will come when you have to take a…
7 things you should never say to a new mum

7 things you should never say to a new mum Becoming a new mum is hectic, stressful and tiring enough, so when we hear these 7 no-nos, it’s game over! “You’re going to let them eat that?” Yes, we are. And we do actually know already that it “isn’t organic”, but we do not need the food…