If Only My Toddler Understood….

toddler, toddler tantrums, toddler troubles, my toddler,

Now that your baby is officially a toddler there are so many more things they can do and understand like walk, talk, and go the potty on their own. You’re so proud of all your little one’s accomplishments but you can’t help but wish they could grasp a few more concepts such as: Sometimes mum…

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7 reactions to seeing two blue lines appear on a pregnancy test

shock pregnancy, finding out your pregnant, pregnancy test,

In a perfect world everyone’s lives would go exactly like the song ‘love and marriage, love and marriage, then comes baby in a baby carriage.’ In most cases that plan eventually falls into place but not always and not always in that ‘perfect’ order. But hey we’re only human! Here’s 7 reactions women usually feel when…

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