How many parents despair on Christmas day when their children prefer a cardboard box over their new (maybe pricey) toys? Or when children are surrounded by colourful, stimulating games and proclaim to be bored? Ever wonder why that is? The truth is that children’s imaginations thrive on a blank canvas. Using cardboard boxes, or regular rooms in the house or…
Why children prefer free play to toys

4 tips to help your baby start crawling

All babies develop at different rates. Some babies don’t crawl till they’re over a year old, and some start moving bright and early. Some babies bypass crawling altogether and simply start walking one day. Walking and crawling gives your child their first taste of independence. They’ll love being able to go wherever they want, when…
3 things our toddlers need in their diets to maintain healthy growth

Our toddlers can be picky with food. They may like something one day, then point blank refuse to eat it the next. It’s common for toddlers to start making these sorts of decisions about their lives, they’re expressing their right to choose, which is great! However, it can leave parents a little stumped when it…
Healthy homemade fish fingers

Fish fingers are a life line for parents with tricky eaters, but why not shelve the store-bought option and try a bit of DIY for this classic kids’ dish? It needs a bit of prep, so leave yourself some time, but once made you can keep them in the freezer for a quick and easy option…
Signs to watch out for if you think your child needs glasses

Many children’s vision problems can go undetected until later stages in their childhood. If you notice your child doing any of the following while playing, then it could be a sign that they need glasses. Squinting When we squint, our vision is temporarily improved by narrowing the size of the image cast to the back…
Different types of toddler tantrums and what to do about them

Every parent knows the struggle of the terrible twos, where their once placid, happy baby has suddenly morphed into a human capable of articulating some very strong emotions. It can often take people unawares, as it may not happen as soon as they turn two. It might happen earlier or later, but the fact remains…
Tips for moving your baby into their own room

While we know it’s better to start younger rather than older, getting your child used to sleeping in a different room can always be tricky. When they’re small, it’s best that parents and baby sleep in the same room to help with those nighttime feeds – and it’s recommended that the baby should sleep in…