Smoothies are a great way of making sure your children are getting most of their guideline daily amounts of fruit and veg. They’re fun to make and super-tasty. Little equipment is needed, just a blender and your chosen ingredients. Here is some smoothie inspo perfect for spring days. Berry blast Ingredients 2tbsp chia seeds 1…
Simple smoothie recipes

Seven things only parents know

Parenting… it is a constant learning experience, and is probably the definition of ‘learning on the job’. As the weeks and months pass you begin to pick up some universal truths that you know every other parent understands. You now share in a collective conscious of things only parents know. Read: 10 signs you are a…
Tripp Trapp®: Make it personal!

We’re big fans of Stokke’s Tripp Trapp® chair, a clever high chair that is designed to grow with the child, and to allow him/her eat at the table alongside the rest of the family. The design revolutionised the market when it was first introduced in 1972, and it continues to lead the way with its classic,…
Five things you learn on a weekend away!

Let’s get one thing straight – we love our kids more than we ever would have thought possible. But the fact remains that everyone needs a break sometimes, and when you do get a break away with your partner after starting a family, you appreciate the break a whole lot more. However, when you do…
How to deal with the dreaded clock change…

For many people, the clock change heralds the start of the summer – and therefore is something to be welcomed. But for parents of children with delicate sleep patterns, the loss of an hour can result in chaos at nighttime for weeks. Our resident sleep expert, Lucy Wolfe, has some great advice on how to…
Family Friendly Guide to Dublin’s St Patrick’s Day Celebrations

This upcoming weekend Dublin will be painted green yet again to celebrate St Patrick’s Day. Though the holiday is Thursday 17 March, the festivities are lasting all weekend. Here are some of the family fun events to look out for around the city. Friday 17th March 2017 St Patrick’s Day Parade 12pm @ Parnell Square The…
Pregnancy myths debunked!

Originally posted 2017-03-14 11:53:37.