We do love our boys but they can be hard work sometimes! Do you relate to any of these items in our ABC of raising boys? It’s a tough job but someone’s got to do it! A – Aim for the toilet bowl, they make them wide enough! B – Balls are for outside, the…
What you need to know about raising boys

Why EVERY woman should be taking folic acid

Ireland has a particularly high incidence of Spina Bifida and other Neural Tube Defects (NTDs), yet a simple folic acid supplement can help reduce the risks significantly – so why aren’t Irish women taking the advice? Speaking on behalf of safeFood, Prof Michael Turner, UCD Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the Coombe Women and…
Hand, Foot and Mouth: Everything you need to know

It’s still that time of year, when summer is on its way, but there are still a few frosty mornings and pesky illnesses to overcome before we can really start getting out the t-shirts. One of these illnesses is Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease, which appears to be doing the rounds in creches and schools right…
Gendered toys: a help or a hindrance?

Originally posted 2017-04-18 11:33:09.
Whooping Cough: why this vaccine is essential in pregnancy

Nobody like to fill their body with medicine when pregnant, but when it comes to the whooping cough vaccine, it’s pretty much an essential. The reason is that a mother’s immunity to whooping cough (pertussis) diminishes as the nine months progresses. Babies under the age of six months are too young to be vaccinated against…
Five ways to save money on your maternity leave

When it comes to planning for your new baby, one very important consideration is finances, especially when on maternity leave. Many of us have to cope with just the government payment for the six months, and if you want to extend leave beyond the six months, you might be living off your savings. So it’s…
Getting back to sleep after night feeds

While you never thought you’d be able to wake up for those night feeds, you now realise the skill lies in getting BACK to sleep. Your body is shattered but your mind won’t stop and tomorrow’s already going to be a very long day. Getting baby back to sleep is mission number one, then, it’s mum’s…