Tips for moving your baby into their own room

While we know it’s better to start younger rather than older, getting your child used to sleeping in a different room can always be tricky. When they’re small, it’s best that parents…

The role that Quinton can play in your fertility

Making sure you are not deficient in the minerals and trace elements our body needs to function optimally is an important consideration if you are trying for a baby. Even with a…

Five fun activities for your curious toddler

Toddlers are bundles of pure energy, and keeping them happy and occupied is a full-time job! Dr Pixie McKenna has released two sets of activity cards packed with ideas for activities to…

Introducing your child to the dentist

A lot of us dread going to the dentist. Our six monthly check-up often drags on into 12 months and we’re shuddering just thinking about it. But it’s important to avoid instilling that…