A relationship is challenging at the best of times but throw in a couple of kids, the house, and job and they nearly become more hassle than they’re worth. Nearly.
Here are 10 pieces of relationship advice to stick to, no matter what.
On disagreements
Admit when you are wrong, shut up when you are right.
On finances
Don’t fight about money because after you’ve fought and said things you regret, the amount of money in the bank will still be the same.
On bank accounts
A couple should have a joint account for all household bills, but they should have their own accounts for personal expenses. As long as all the bills are paid and some money is going into a savings account, you should each have a little money to spend as they please.
On personalities
Don’t marry someone you don’t want your children to turn into.
On…forcing it
Love is like a fart if you have to force it is probably crap (this was too funny not to include!).
On being an asshole
Everyone at some point is an asshole, it’s about finding an asshole you can put up with.
On working at it
The grass isn’t always greener on the other side, the grass is greener where you water it.
On will it matter?
When you’re upset about something, ask yourself if it will matter in five years. If it won’t matter, then it’s not worth getting upset over.
On the bigger things
It’s okay to argue about the little things as long as you agree on the bigger things.
On gratitude
Say thank you for everything – even the small things.
maternity & infant
Originally posted 2017-11-23 12:45:16.