m&i loves: The Medela Swing breast pump

The Medella Swing breast pump
m&i loves: The Medella Swing breast pump

The Medela Swing breast pump is the first and only small electric breast pump, for single pumping, that features the ground-breaking 2-Phase Expression Technology. With the unique combination of a stimulation and expression phase the Swing incorporates the latest technology to set the standard in both comfort and efficiency.


The Medella Swing breast pump is available in Boots for €169.99.

The Medela Swing breast pump is designed to adapt perfectly to the daily routine of the dynamic and busy mother. It is designed for convenience use, approximately 1 – 4 times per day. The Medela Swing breast pump is handy, quiet and easy to use.

  • With 2-Phase Expression
  • Ideal for out and about
  • PersonalFit™ breastshield
  • Electric or battery-powered (mains adapter included)

2-Phase Expression Technology simulates a baby’s natural nursing rhythm more precisely than any other system. It is known that babies change the way they suckle at a mother’s breast during breastfeeding. Initially, they suckle rapidly to stimulate the Milk Ejection Reflex (MER) and induce “let-down”. Once the milk starts flowing, the speed of the baby’s sucking decreases for the actual feeding phase.

This is the only research based breast pump technology to mimic a baby’s natural nursing rhythm. The unique combination of a rapid stimulation and slower expression makes pumping especially gentle, comfortable and efficient.

And we’re not the only one who loves it …

Recently she became a Mum for the second time and Una Foden shared a snap of her using her Medella Swing breastpump, captioning the photo “Let’s get pumping!”

Una Foden Instagram
Una Foden Instagram
maternity & infant

Originally posted 2015-02-11 16:41:36.