maternity & infant magazine editor, Penny Gray, tells us how she got on when her daughter Ellie took Pampers Baby Dry Pants, ‘Ultimate Nappy Challenge’.

Weekends are always busy in our house. I have a four year old, Danny, who has just started school, and therefore all the extra curricular stuff that comes with it. Our Saturdays have morphed from being lazy days with naps to a whirlwind cluster of football, swimming and parties. It’s all great and exciting – except I have a two year old as well, Ellie, who inevitably becomes part of the whirlwind of car journeys and activities.
Ellie is the usual active two year old, and with an older brother to keep up with, she loves running and playing as much as he does. Nappies are all very well and good when you have a waddling baby, but when you have a happy and active toddler, a heavy nappy looks and feels cumbersome. Training pants are an option, but toddler toilet accidents are no trivial matters and the safety of a nappy is really needed.
The new Pampers Baby Dry Pants looks great, as they give her all the freedom of movements that pants give, yet promise to hold all accidents – and so we decided to put them to the ultimate test.
Last Saturday was a particularly busy one for us. Danny has football in the morning, then we had to hotfoot it over to the other side of Dublin to meet my brother for lunch. To top it off, Ellie has had a heavy cold all week, so her toilet habits are bound to be a little, eh, looser, than usual. Plenty of opportunities there for toilet woes – so a perfect test for the new Pampers Baby Dry Pants…
9.30am: Time for GAA
First stop is our local GAA club. It’s a cold morning, and Ellie is wrapped up nice and warm. She meets some friends from her Montessori class and they have great fun running up and down. I have her in Pampers Baby Dry Pants size 5, yet she’s not doing the nappy “waddle”.
11am: Post-GAA snack
We’re frozen after the first chilly morning at GAA. Quick pitstop for a baby hot chocolate as a treat. Then it’s into the car for the hour drive to meet my brother for a lunch in Milano’s Dundrum.
12.30pm: Lunch out
Here’s where things get tricky. Ellie sees her brother going to the toilet and announces that she wants to go too. She’s not really ready for training just yet, but Pampers Baby Dry Pants don’t feel like a regular nappy, so we reckon this is why she’s keen to give the toilet a go. Good result here – Ellie has no problem pulling them up and down herself without tearing them. They feel like big-girl pants to her.
2.30pm: Stop at the toy shop
No trip to Dundrum is complete without a trip to Hamleys. The kids are tired (both have had colds in the last week and are still recovering), but in good humour so we decide to risk it. In fact, they’re in great form and we even end up going for a walk around the shops and have a look at the ice skating.
4pm: Accident time
As I mentioned before, Ellie hasn’t been well all week, and like most toddlers, when she’s not right, her little tummy tends to get a little upset. She ate a lot at lunch, rather predictably we had a (TMI alert) runny “code brown” situation. Usually this means a full change of clothes, but to my surprise, the Pampers held strong. Quick change and we were ready for the drive home!
6pm: Home
Two sleepy kids arrive home. Now for another test – will the Pampers work overnight on a four year old AND a two year old? Only time will tell…
Watch maternity & infant’s Facebook and Twitter tomorrow to be in with a chance to WIN! 1 of 5 Pampers Baby Dry Pants hampers!
maternity & infant
Originally posted 2015-11-04 15:21:35.