When you become a mother, your world is turned upside down. Nothing is the same anymore, so much so, that when it’s time to go back to work, it can feel like a strange process. Even if you can’t wait to jump back into your career. Returning to work after maternity leave can be one of the most fraught, challenging, and stressful times in a woman’s life, so it’s imperative to have a plan to get yourself ready to return to work.
Be informed
Know what kind of emotions and hormone fluxes you can experience post-partum. We can guarantee a lot of mothers will have felt exactly like you do, at one point or another.
Ask for help
Whether that’s from family, friends, or ever online parenting groups in the same situation as you. Mums who have already been through these changes will be glad to share their stories, lessons learned, and to dispense advice based on their own experiences.
Prepare yourself
- Through fitness, nutrition, hydration, and getting as much sleep and sunlight as you can. Take breaks when possible at home and at work to restore your energy and recharge your batteries. This way you’ll be fighting fit when you return to work.
- For any difficult conversations, you may have, whether with your boss or with a colleague. Maintain your composure and professionalism, and plan to use positive, solution-seeking language.
Most importantly, don’t try to sprint this marathon.
We realise it’s easier said than done, but if it feels like no one in the world is cutting you any slack, at least try to cut yourself some slack.
Originally posted 2018-03-26 11:26:37.