After nine months of waiting to meet your new baby, the emotions you feel can sometimes be overwhelming and lead to you feeling stress. As our bodies re-adjust and our emotions go into overdrive, it’s important to take a step back, relax and take one step at a time.
Get some air
When caring for a new baby, days can feel very long and lonely. One way to break up the day is by getting out for a walk even if it’s only a short one, fresh air will do you and baby good.
Eat well
Life with a new baby can be so chaotic you may even forget to eat! Don’t be tempted by snacks and fast foods. Eat foods that release energy slowly, such as wholegrains and fruit and veg. And lots of protein in the form of meat, fish, beans, eggs, cheese, nuts or seeds.
Don’t overdo it
Be realistic about what’s achievable. Your baby’s not going to notice the washing piling up, or the state of the floors. Your baby needs you, everything else can wait.
Make friends
Being new to the mum club means you need to find new mum friends; this doesn’t mean forgetting your old life, it just means adding to it. Trust us, you will always find solace in other mums. You’ll quickly realise that feeling frustrated or being permanently covered in poo is quite the norm for mums.
Take the help
If a family member is offering help take it, even if it’s just getting some shopping for you, feeding the baby, or doing the washing. This doesn’t be mean you are not able it’s just what family and friends are for, helping each other when our loads are full.
Take a break
Have a rest and do something just for you. Catch up on your favourite TV, paint your nails, call a friend, or just relax and enjoy the peace and quiet.
Try not to worry
“Children express frequent changes of feelings, moods and anxiety, fears in their facial expressions, gestures, voices, words. Behaviour is observed, it should be noticed before you get yourself upset, but I would say women have been beautifully designed to be mothers, so trust your instincts,” says Dr Owen Connolly, consultant psychologist and marriage and family therapist, and co-author of Parenting for the Millennium.
maternity & infant
Originally posted 2016-02-23 10:36:09.