Remember when decorating your home was an enjoyable activity that you and your partner used to do? When a mirror, piece of art, or a luxurious throw were just thing to brighten up your space? Yeah, neither do we. Those days are definitely in the past, and we have bigger and brighter futures to look forward. Emphasis on brighter – because toys. Nowadays the spots of colour are all over the place with toys, books, cuddly dolls, play mats galore strewn about our living rooms. And while we wouldn’t have it any other way, we sometimes (just a teeny bit) miss our carefully laid out relaxation stations.
And even though we wouldn’t be caught dead having a mate over for coffee when the house is full of ankle-twisting booby-traps, we still wouldn’t have it any other way. After all, it’s not just our house, it’s our children’s house too.
Here are five possible reasons your house could be not as tidy as you’d like it to be. And we’re here for you.
You don’t really understand the concept of laundry until you have children. Fact. Adult laundry just isn’t the same. That one load a week you used to do? Those were the glory days, my friend. Look forward to the day when your washer remains empty for more than a day at a time, and your child can start doing their own loads. Teenage years, here we come!
Dinner time
We’ve all gone through phases of having fussy eaters in-tow. But as well as the general stress of trying to find food for them to eat, it makes the process of preparing, cooking and cleaning up after dinner just a bit longer. When you start considering that spiky grapefruit spoon for your tea in the morning, you know it’s gotten to dire straits. Time to either put on a load in the dishwasher, or invest in a dishwasher if you don’t already have one!
Can you say you even have kids if they haven’t gone at the walls with some choice crayons, or worse, a Sharpie? Well, the good news is is that your child is an artist and the world is their canvas!
Bin day
Who has time to remember when the bins come? Not busy mums and dads that’s for sure. Top tip: If your outside bin is overflowing more than usual (we’re talking Christmas proportions here) then you might have missed your bin collection. Look forward to the days when this can be a chore for your eldest!
Clear surfaces don’t exist
Kids mean lot’s of equipment, and this doesn’t change as they go from babyhood, to toddlerhood, to childhood. In fact, it’s almost as if more stuff keeps piling on the old, until you make the call to either not have another baby (and get rid of the stuff), or have another baby (and reuse the stuff). If you go for option two, you’ll notice that this results in an impressive spread of colour, going from the toy box in the living room, to the floor, couch, coffee table, kitchen table, counters, sink, stairs, bath, etc. You can’t stop the spread.
Tell us the truth – what does your house look like? And if it’s tidy – how do you keep it that way?
maternity & infant
Originally posted 2018-04-11 11:35:15.