Your hair will get really thick when you’re pregnant… and then might fall out in the weeks following delivery.
Morning sickness is a lie
Morning sickness could last your entire pregnancy. And it isn’t so much morning sickness as All-Day-Sickness, but we guess that just doesn’t have the same ring to it!
Cramps and pains
You might feel stabbing pains in your abdomen. As the ligaments around your uterus stretch and strengthen to support your growing uterus, you might feel brief, stabbing pains around your bikini line. It’s totally normal! But, if these stabbing pains come with bleeding or any other discharge, call your practitioner immediately.
Bigger feet
Your feet get bigger. During pregnancy ligaments throughout your body loosen, causing your feet to spread. For some women, their feet gradually shrink.
Your baby might cause a few pains
Feeling your baby move is amazing, but can be painful. There isn’t a lot of space for stretching out down there so when your baby does move, it might hurt.
Postpartum bleeding can last four to six weeks after delivery.
It doesn’t happen straight away
You might not feel that instant burst of emotion when you meet your baby for the first time. You just birthed a human and your hormones are totally out of whack. While this can be caused by postpartum depression, be kind to yourself and know that everyone feels emotions differently.
Breastfeeding is hard
Breastfeeding can be really difficult in the beginning. And it can hurt. You just need time to work out your routine, you will get it in your own time.
And you’ll get contractions…again
You will experience contractions when you breastfeed. Breastfeeding triggers the release of the hormone oxytocin, which in turn causes the contractions that help your uterus shrink back to its pre-pregnancy size.
Motherhood doesn’t come with a manual
No one really knows exactly what they’re doing. Relax, not everyone has this first time parenting thing entirely pulled together as you think. So relax, you’re doing great!
maternity & infant
Originally posted 2018-05-22 08:41:16.