Maternity and Infant

What your sleeping position says about your relationship

According to, the way you and your partner sleep can say a lot about your relationship, “Even if you can’t or don’t articulate those things while you’re awake”, Patti Wood, a body language expert with more than 30 years of experience and author of Success Signals, A Guide to Reading Body Language says.

When we are asleep, our body language becomes our tool of expression, and the way we lie and sleep with our partner can gauge how we feel and are in our relationships with our other half. have revealed the 10 most popular couple sleeping positions and the meaning behind them.

1. The Spoon

This position is only adopted by one fifth of couples and is described as being “a very vulnerable position that’s sexual, but says ‘I trust you’”, where one partner takes a protective stance over the other.

2. The Loose Spoon

This is the position most couple who are past the ‘Honeymoon period’ sleep in, once their relationship matures, saying “I’ve got your back, you can count on me,” but not as sexual as The Spoon.

3. The Chase

One person is in pursuit of the other. When one moves to the other side of the bed, the other is ‘chasing’ them. Meaning they want to be pursued.

4. The Tangle

This is an intense position, rarer than The Spoon, and tends to happen after love making. It can also be considered as “overly enmeshed” sometimes portraying an over-dependency.

5. The Unravelling Knot

This position is an unravelling of the Tangle position. Only 8 per cent of couples adopt this position and it is a sign of a stronger relationship than that of the Tangle, as it is a compromise between intimacy and independence.

6. The Liberty Lovers

Despite sleeping facing away from each other, this position is a good sign for your relationship. 27 per cent of couples adopt this position and it is a sign of closeness, independence and a security in the relationship.

7. The Back Kissers

Sleeping back to back with bums or backs touching is also a good sign. More common among couple who have been together under a year, the position shows partners who are relaxed and comfortable with each other.

8. The Nuzzle

This position is mostly seen in early relationships, or relationships that have been rekindled. This position portrays a strong level of trust and comradeship and is a position that suggest protection.

9. The Leg Hug

This sleeping position suggests and intertwining of two lives. Intertwined legs can also mean one partner craves a sexual or emotional connection and is also a sign you can’t get enough of each other.

10. The Space Hog

If one partner hogs all the room in the bed, it can be a sign of selfishness or one partner being more dominant.

maternity & infant

Originally posted 2018-03-05 15:34:45.

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