Maternity and Infant

Nosebleed all you need to know

first aid, what to do if my child has a nosebleed, nosebleeds, why do nosebleeds occur, how to stop a nosebleed, are nosebleeds serious,

First aid kit

A nosebleed is bleeding from a blood vessel coming from the front part of the septum, or further back in the nasal cavity.

Blood vessels in the nose are very soft and any interference with them, however slight, can cause the nose to bleed. While most nosebleeds occur for no obvious reason, there are a number of factors which can contribute to frequent nose bleeding. Among them are:

If your child has a nosebleed, sit him/her to in an upright position with the head bent forward. Gently pinch the tip of the nose, applying an ice-pack to the nose may be also help. If the nosebleed stops and then returns, hold the nose for between eight and ten minutes this will clot the blood.

A normal nosebleed should last no longer than a few minutes and should cause no side-effects. Medical attention is not usually required but if your child experiences heavy blood loss, shortness of breath, pale colour to the skin or swallows large amounts of blood, you should attend your GP. Swallowing blood can cause nausea and vomiting,

If nosebleeds are occurring very frequently they may be a symptom of some underlying condition. In this case, medical advice should always be sought.

maternity & infant


Originally posted 2015-07-30 10:28:08.

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