Maternity and Infant

If you’re pregnant you need to eat chocolate ASAP

Pregnant woman enjoying of eating chocolate

Calling all expecting mum! News just in…. CHOCOLATE IS GOOD FOR PREGNANT WOMEN! Yes, you read that right.

Thanks to a study conducted by the Society of Maternal Fetal Medicine we now a have scientific proof that chocolate is good for you AND your soon to be baby.

The survey was conducted on 129 mums-to-be who were all 11 – 14 weeks into their pregnancy. The study casted doubt over the popular idea that chocolate leads to a higher risk of preeclampsia and gestational hypertension. The study also indicated that chocolate could have a “positive impact on the placenta, fetal growth, and development” of the baby. Chocolate is nursing your baby before they are even born. Go chocolate is great!

As for the mum-to-be, chocolate is full of flavonoids that contain poten antioxidants that can improve your immune system. Those antioxidants can also aid your cardiovascular system which comes under extra stress during pregnancy.

Even after pregnancy chocolate is proven to play a positive role with mum and child. Scientist at conducted their own survey. They found that mums who ate chocolate regularly while pregnant rated the happiness of their 6 month old baby significantly higher than those mums who didn’t eat chocolate while pregnant.

So break out the Kit-Kats, Crunchies, Snickers, and jars of Nutella. This is the best news we’ve gotten all year!


maternity & infant

Originally posted 2016-02-12 16:54:12.

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