Maternity and Infant

How to deal with the dreaded clock change…

Shot of an adorable baby yawning

For many people, the clock change heralds the start of the summer – and therefore is something to be welcomed. But for parents of children with delicate sleep patterns, the loss of an hour can result in chaos at nighttime for weeks. Our resident sleep expert, Lucy Wolfe, has some great advice on how to deal with the fall-out from the clock change on 26th March.

Firstly, ensure that your child is well rested in the run up to this weekend. Aim for adequate naps and optimum night time sleep; then on the day of the change either:

If you really find that it takes your child time to adjust to any changes then you could consider bringing timings forward from Wednesday 22nd March onwards. Adjust bedtime 15 minutes earlier on Wednesday evening and follow this through over the next few days, gradually changing nap times, meal times and of course bedtime by 15 minutes so that by Sunday you will already be on the correct clock. This way you are preparing in advance and offsetting any of the potential struggles that you may have had in the past.


Lucy Wolfe’s book, The Baby Sleep Solution, published by Gill books is out now. Buy it here


Originally posted 2017-03-21 11:44:50.

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