Maternity and Infant

8 ways your weekends change when you have kids

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Pregnant Mother on Telephone Baking Muffins

8 ways your weekends change when you have kids

Weekends with our little ones are jam packed, and we love spending time with them more than anything. However, there are without doubt a few big major changes to our perception of the word ‘weekend’ nowadays, as described below. Anyone agree?!

1. All day hangovers

Remember the days where you lay on the couch surrounded by blankets, crisps and fizzy drinks while you lay in a fort of darkness until your hangover subsided?…Yeah, bye bye to that!

2. Lie ins

Saturday and Sunday, the two heavenly days of the week that promised us a lie in and a break from running to catch busy buses and trains to work at the crack of dawn. Now, instead of waking to mind numbing alarms, we wake to the crying and screaming of our little ones!

3. Not lifting a finger

Before you had kids accomplishing one single thing at the weekend was a considered a weekend well spent. Nowadays, you’ve done thirty things before 9am and you’re wondering how this happened!

4. Late nights binge watching TV shows/going out with the girls

Days off work meant late nights spent watching our favourite TV shows til 3am or hitting the tiles with the girls and painting the town red. Now, we’re up at 3am with the night feed. So glam!

5. Daytime naps

Taking a daytime nap was the key to a perfectly lazy and relaxed weekend. Now we catch up on our ZZZs standing up, with one eye open, watching our little one as they nap. We’re not envious, we swear….

6. All nighters

Then: Coming in from a night out at 5am thinking it’s so late and passing out with tiredness.
Now: Waking up at 5am with baby and remarking how terribly early it is!

7. Romantic dates

With two whole days free at the weekend you had loads of time to go and do something fun with your partner like go out to a restaurant for dinner, the cinema or go for a nice long walk. Cue kids and now you’re sharing the football/ballet practice run and a take away is looking like the closest thing resembling a date!

8. Shopping

Remember those idle weekends spent browsing in clothes shops for hours, stopping for a coffee and maybe a little dessert on the way home? Now it’s Supermarket food shopping with three kids begging every two seconds for sweets while you try to watch them and your shopping list, offload and pack up your products. Lets just do this as quickly as possible and try to forget it pronto!

maternity & infant

Originally posted 2015-08-10 13:18:55.

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