Maternity and Infant

7 reactions to seeing two blue lines appear on a pregnancy test

shock pregnancy, finding out your pregnant, pregnancy test,

pregnancy test

In a perfect world everyone’s lives would go exactly like the song ‘love and marriage, love and marriage, then comes baby in a baby carriage.’

In most cases that plan eventually falls into place but not always and not always in that ‘perfect’ order. But hey we’re only human!

Here’s 7 reactions women usually feel when they see those two blue lines appear on a pregnancy test.

  1. Whoop whoop! My man is full of winning swimmers!
  2. Oh sweet jesus! How does one cope with one-year-old and a newborn on the way. I’ll kill him…
  3. A miracle inside me, at last, this is the most amazing feeling of my life. Complete joy.
  4. We paid €70 for a babysitter, ran out the door, drank way too much, can’t remember getting back to our €160 a night hotel and now there’s a bun in the oven. #mostexpensivenightever #fml
  5. Sh*t! Sh*t! Sh*t! What was his name? Why didn’t I give him my number when he asked? Or at least add him on Facebook.
  6. No time to think – vomit everywhere.
  7. I can barely look after myself, how can I possibly bring a child into the world. I want my mammy!
maternity & infant

Originally posted 2016-02-24 16:54:18.

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