Maternity and Infant

5 ways to prevent and ease back pain in pregnancy

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pregnant woman having backache

5 ways to prevent and ease back pain in pregnancy
What causes pregnancy back pain?

During pregnancy, the hormone relaxin causes ligaments in your back to loosen, resulting in back pain. Back pain usually occurs in pregnancy in the fifth and seventh month, but for some can occur as early as 8 to 12 weeks. Women with pre existing back pain or problems are more at risk of getting back pain in pregnancy.

Types of pregnancy back pain

There are two types of back pain in pregnancy, Lumbar, or lower back pain, and posterior pelvic pain.

Lumbar pain during pregnancy is generally located at and above the waist in the centre of the back and is similar to lower back pain experienced by women who are not pregnant. This type of pain usually increases by prolonged posture positions like standing, sitting, or repetitive lifting, and tenderness may also be present in the muscles along the spine during pregnancy.

Posterior pelvic pain (in the back of the pelvis) is four times more prevalent than lumbar pain in pregnancy. It is a deep pain felt below and to the side at the waistline, and/or below the waistline on either side across the tailbone. You may experience it on one or both sides and the pain can extend down into the buttock and upper portion of the posterior; in the back of your thighs, but does not usually radiate below the knees. Posterior pelvic pain can also be associated with pubic pain and does not quickly resolve itself or go away with rest. You may also experience morning stiffness with this type of back pain. Posterior pelvic pain can be brought on and heightened by rolling in bed,, climbing stairs, sitting and rising from a seated position (such as getting in and out of cars, bathtubs, bed), lifting, twisting, bending forward and running and walking. Sedentary jobs that involve sitting at a computer and leaning forward constantly, or standing and leaning over a desk or workstation can increase the risk of developing pregnancy pelvic pain.

How can I ease/prevent back pain in pregnancy?

1. Exercise

Strengthening exercises like Pilates, swimming and aquanatal classes can help to prevent, ease and control your back pain by working to strengthen your core abdominal muscles to hold yourself better. However, if you were not used to exercise prior to your pregnancy, consult your doctor before trying any exercise.

2. Being mindful

Being careful of what you are lifting while pregnancy will also help reduce potential pain. If you have to lift something, hold it close to your body, bend your knees rather than your back and try not to twist.

3. Changing your sleeping position

Sleeping on your side with a wedge like pillow under your tummy may also help ease pain. A warm bath may also relieve back pain.

4. Improving your posture

Trying not to slump over when sitting, twist when lifting or staying in the same position for too long and generally being aware of your posture will help ease and help control back pain. You can use a lumbar roll or cushion for your back when sitting and standing or sitting up straight and arching your back now and again as much as is comfortable, as well as taking regular breaks to walk around, will also help prevent and control any pain.

5. Massages

A massage is also a great way of relieving any back tension and pain. Ask your partner to gently massage your lower back, or visit a qualified massage therapist.

maternity & infant

Originally posted 2015-10-14 13:33:59.

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