Maternity and Infant

How much damage does gel and shellac do to your nails?

shellac, nourishing nail treatments, boots, nail treatments, shellac, gel, does gel damage your nails, does shellac damage your nails, nail hardening products

Lady's nails being polished

What’s not to love about getting your nails done in a salon? Whether it’s Shellac or gel, you leave the salon with shiny new finger tips and non-chip nail polish, but at what cost?

Anyone who’s had Shellac or gel nails will know how weak and brittle their nails are when the polish is removed. Industry experts warn it can take anything between eight to twelve months for your nails to fully recover from repeated use of gel/Shellac.

Gels age your nails

The process of having the polish applied, such as the pushing back of the cuticles, can cause ridges and the acetone used can cause dehydration, potentially forcing the nails to become weak and fragile. Furthermore, prolonged wear of gels may actually start lifting the nail plate from the nail bed, causing a visible gap between the two which can be uncomfortable and sore to touch.

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The damage is not lasting and treated properly your nails  will make a full recovery. To limit any possible damage to your nails, it’s best to use a nourishing nail treatment while you have the gels applied and give your nails a rest every three to four months. Nail treatments will help produce healthier nail cells under gel polish, the treatment will also protect your nail plate.

While you are giving your nails a well-deserved break, use a nail hardener. Nail hardening formulas harden the nail plate so the nail can restore its normal growth levels. Wait at least a couple of months before you apply gels again.

Boots have lots of nail nourishing products – click here.

There are alternatives to gels/Shellac. Invest in top and bottom coat formulas that will keep your polish in place and chip free for longer – save yourself a fortune and invest!

maternity & infant

Originally posted 2016-07-07 11:26:36.

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