Maternity and Infant

3 ways to help your child get the most out of school

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things to teach your kids before they grow up

irish parents, reading, bonding, activity, charity, children, toddler, baby, family, education for kids things to teach your children life lessons for children

 For some of us, the coming weeks will mark the first day back to school. We all use this day… maybe even the next day, as transitioning time to just get used to the routine again. But from here on out, good parenting practices at home could help determine whether or not your kids make the most out of their academic experience.

Here are three tips for improving the environment at home so that your children can get the most from their experience at school.

Sleep and nutrition

Those extra few hours in front of the TV or computer often mean a child is putting off homework or studying. Some students, especially during the teen years, tend to leave their homework and assignments to the very last and stay up late completing them. Without a good nights sleep, a student can be sluggish and inattentive the next day at school. Look for ways to modify their evening habits so that bedtime doesn’t become crunch time for getting work done. Bad nutrition can make the situation worse, especially food that contains high levels of sugar.

Make the most of those in- between hours, right after school

This is the ideal time to get homework completed as your child’s brain will still be in school mode and it won’t be as much of a struggle to get them to sit down and concentrate on the task at hand. Be attentive to your child’s activities right after school and make sure their time is spent wisely.

Stay involved

Work pressures paired with homework pressures that aren’t even your own can whittle away at the strongest parent’s resolve. Try and stay involved and interactive with your child’s assignments and school life in general. If you do this from a young age, your child will be more able to self-discipline themselves and complete their homework with less supervision from you.

maternity & infant

Originally posted 2018-08-26 09:00:54.

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