Maternity and Infant

10 things that happen to every parent on a school morning

things that happen on a school morning, school mornings, things that happen to every parent on a school morning, getting kids ready for school

Waking up

10 things that happen to every parent on a school morning

Ah, the morning mania! It’ll soon be that time of year when the early starts begin again for school, and we’re not looking forward to the chaos! Here’s a guaranteed 10 things that happen in every household on a school morning.

1. At least one child will have “lost the other shoe Mum!”

2. Breakfast is anywhere but at the table.

3. You promised yourself you’d make the lunches the night before but here you are again making three packed lunches and three different breakfasts while dressing yourself because God forbid they could eat the same as their sibling!

4. The ‘orderly queue’ you requested for doing their hair and brushing teeth will turn out more like the other kids running and jumping on beds while you hold the other one back from joining and end up doing their hair ‘the wrong way’.

5. Someone will spill milk or jam all over the counter and their freshly washed uniform. Great!

6. There will probably be crying. There’s a 99.9% chance it will be you.

7. Someone will need something signed and have forgotten to do their homework.

8. You’ll probably forget the lunches and realise half way to school.

9. Fume may come out of your ears.

10. You’ll have only one eye with mascara on and realise at the school gates. Fabulous.

Ah, the joys!

maternity & infant

Originally posted 2015-08-14 10:31:04.

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