Maternity and Infant

9 struggles of having an overprotective mother-in-law

Senior Mother Interfering With Couple Having Argument At Home


Everyone knows that when you marry a man you marry his mother. If you’re worried you came up short during the selection process, you’ll definitely understand these nine struggles of having an overprotective mother-in-law.

You feel like you’re not alone in your relationship

Relationships can be difficult enough to navigate when there’s only two people involved. When you add another person into the mix they can get very complicated, very fast. If your mother-in-law is an overwhelming presence in your relationship it can begin to feel like three is a crowd.

You feel like you’re all alone in your relationship

One of the best parts of being a couple is having a partner to share your life with. There’s nothing wrong with your partner having a loving and close relationship with his mother. However, if you feel he neglects your needs continuously in favour of her’s it can leave you feeling isolated and rejected at a time when you’re supposed to feel the most loved.

The constant parenting “advice”

You of all people know she raised one great child but when you have your own children, you need to do things your way. Her constant “advice” about how you should hold the baby, clean the house or when you should go back to work is slightly insulting. Just remember, she means well.

Not respecting the rules of your family

You tell the kids no sugar on weekdays, but she brings them sweets Monday to Friday. She’s only doing what every doting grandmother has done for decades but that doesn’t mean it’s not irritating. When she doesn’t respect the rules of your household it can leave you feeling undermined, especially if your partner doesn’t back you up.

You can’t fight with your partner

Couples fight. It’s a natural occurrence in every relationship. The true test of strength is how couples rebound and resolve their issues. Finding a resolution together can be difficult when you feel his mother is using these times to turn him against you. Then, if you don’t feel safe enough in your relationship to raise an important issue, you’ve got a bigger problem than you first thought.

She insists on doing everything

This can be a tricky one. She’s not trying to upset you and that must be remembered at all times. Yet, whenever she’s in your home she takes command of everything in sight. While she’s trying to give you a well deserved break, it can leave you at somewhat of a loose end.

She’s “too comfortable” in your home

You want every guest in your home to feel comfortable. But when she begins to rearrange the furniture and throw out the “cheap,” she’s crossed a line.

She’s always around

Even if you adore your mother-in-law, this can be intrusive. When you’re trying to be “intimate” with your partner…she pops her head in. When you’re trying to feed the children…she pops her head in. When you’re heading towards the shower…she pops her head in! A mother-in-law with no boundaries can be tiresome to say the least.

She treats your partner like a baby

When you began dating a man you assumed he was finished being a boy. Yet, in his mother’s presence he reverts to a childhood state of helplessness where she does everything for him. To make matters worse his mother gladly indulges these whims. This situation can only be exacerbated if she scolds you for not taking care of him the same way.

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