Maternity and Infant

The photographic definition of life with a toddler

toddler, paint, toddler antics, viral photo of toddler and paint, toddler covered in paint, life with a toddler

Photo: Victoria Farmer

The photographic definition of life with a toddler

We think this is probably every parent’s nightmare!? We’re no strangers to the mischievousness of a toddler and having to keep your eyes on them all day, but when this poor mum of two turned her back for a minute, chaos ensued!

When Colarado mum Victoria Farmer was busy feeding her newborn in a different room to her two-year-old daughter Anistyn, she noticed a strange and unusual quietness that suddenly filled the house, and we all know quietness and toddlers definitely equals trouble!

In a photo that has now gone viral, Victoria walked into her living room to check on her two-year-old and saw her little girl completely covered from neck to toe in white paint!

After an understandable initial meltdown the mum saw the funny side and shared the photo to her Facebook, writing: “Now that it’s been a few hours I can laugh, but at the time I was about to have a meltdown haha it took nearly two hours to clean.”
“It looks like she just climbed right in and went for a swim.” Ah life with a toddler!
We cannot even begin to imagine our faces if it happened to us! Heart failure!

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