Maternity and Infant

Child predator test has shocking results

child predator test, social media danger, dangers of social media, child predator test
Child predator test has shocking results

A 21-year-old YouTube prankster, Coby Persin, after creating a chilling child predator test video on YouTube, has highlighted the dangers of social media for young girls, showing just how dangerous and deceiving it can be.

In the video Coby poses as a 15-year-old boy named Jason Biazzo, and with the girls’ parents’ permission, begins conversations with the girls, aged 12 to 14 years, through a fake Facebook profile he creates, telling them he is new to their town and is looking to make friends, asking them to meet up with him.

What follows is shocking to both the girls, their parents and the viewers as all they all agree to meet Coby (or Jason) in a nearby area, after giving out their phone numbers and addresses to the stranger.

Both the girls and their parents get a shock, as the video highlights the dangers of social media to them both, warning them to be much more careful in the future of who they chat to online.

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