Maternity and Infant

10 parenting hacks you need in your life

10 all inspiring parenting hacks from parents who have it sussed, we saw this on buzzfeed and had to share with you. These parents have this whole parenting malarky sorted. Stand-by for some inspiring ideas and above all, a giggle!

1) This is genius…. We’re literally kicking ourselves for not thinking of this first.



2) Cute and hilarious – This dad who came up with the greatest father/baby costume ever.


3) We couldn’t of put it better ourselves. Life lessons.


4) This dad discovered a lifehack that makes everyone happy.


5) This is teenage punishment at its best!


6)  Bribery sometimes is the only way! Does anyone know how to change the wifi password?!


7) The parent who taught their daughter to have a healthy perspective on gender roles.


8) What’s more funny the inner-child we still have in us or the look of horror on our kids’ faces when we act like a child?!


9) It’s an important lesson to teach your kids. Food should never be wasted!

Annie Robertson / Via

10) The best for last. Probably the sweetest dad and proof parents do whatever we can to make our children happy…



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