Maternity and Infant

5 tips to make your budget for baby

baby budget

It’s important to prepare mentally and physically for having a baby. But it’s also important to make sure your budget is ready too. Your baby will bring so much joy to your life, but they will also require a lot of equipment and investment. So what can you do to make sure you’re financially ready to have your baby?

This 5-step plan, from the National Consumer Agency, will help you spend less and save more.


Check what income you have coming in, and see how this will change when baby arrives. If you are employed it is a good idea to check how maternity leave will affect your salary. If you are unemployed you should check to see how pregnancy could impact your social welfare payment as you may be entitled to an increased payment.


Keep an eye on what you are spending. Figure out how you are currently spending money and consider cutting back on any unnecessary expenses. Keeping a track of your every day expenses can be difficult but this is where huge savings can be made.


Create some goals. When you have gotten a clear view of your financial situation, you might wish to set some monetary goals for yourself, be it clearing debt before a baby is born or creating a savings fund. Decide upon what is important to you and make those goals a reality.

The top five products to buy for baby and the five not to buy!

Write it down

Make a budget. Now that you know your financial situation, as well as any financial goals you have set yourself, it is time to make a budget to fit these. Using budget planners, like the one available on is a great help in creating a clear and sustainable budget to cover all your needs.

Save & insure

Protect your family. When you are a parent, you need to provide for your family today, but you also need to protect them in the future. Of course, we do not like thinking anything bad will happen to us, but you need to make sure you have enough insurance in place to protect your dependants.

 maternity & infant
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